Sunday, January 17, 2010

A January 2010 Dream of Falling Teeth and Gums

I dreamt of being in an office with uneven floors and ramps. Hexagonal-like walls abound. Mirrors everywhere.

I stand to examine my face up close in a mirror, I had these really deep wrinkles and old-age lines all over my face, criss crossing like razor cuts. I also had Grace Coddington's amazing, wiry flaming hair. I look distinguished.

But my jaw suddenly dropped, and while my mouth lay open, the upper part of gums falls off with my teeth still intact. I start laughing, curious how I could still talk while my gums dangling in the way my tongue.

I scramble to put my gums back on the top, but it keeps falling down. I wake up.


For dreams about tooth loss, know the meaning at my old post

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