Sunday, January 10, 2010

Dealing with Bouts of Sleep Paralysis: A Waking State of Mind

I suffer from some sort of sleep paralysis or sleep disorder which I figure stems from these migraines I have, I have these neuro problems that I feel are hard to describe.

Anyway, all these neurological things plus stress affect my dream and waking states. Sometimes I wake up and I see a form at the foot of my bed. I feel that this figure is staring down at me, well it feels clearly that way. It takes about two seconds to get unfrozen and to fully realize that I am now awake. By then, the figure at the foot of the bed is gone. Pffft!

I don't think its some ghost, specter or paranormal activity. If it was, it would have probably lingered on far longer and maybe even made its presence felt more strongly.

This has happened to me quite a number of times, waking up from different dream scenarios and seeing with my naked eye, dream-like and hallucinatory, figures from my dream existing in my waking state for a few seconds. Imagine, seeing characters from your dream in your bedroom.

I guess my brain is rather slow to shift from the two states- dreaming and waking. The two get mixed up and logically, this would explain the sleep paralysis I experience. Sometimes I wake up terrified in a sweat, sometimes I would watch things for a few seconds unable to move my body, sometimes I don't feel any fear at all, just some confusion waking up being still drowsy from sleep.

If you do get to experience this kind of sleep paralysis first hand, well take it from Douglas Adams, he said it best, "Don't Panic!"

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