Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Child Who Refuses to Listen and a Cosmic Joke

My Dreams this week:

I dreamt my son fell off the balcony, two floors down. He wouldn't stop playing on the ledge and he wouldn't listen to me. He promised me he wouldn't fall, but he did because he let go.

The moment he fell, I closed my eyes waiting for a thud, my knees were so weak I couldn't get myself to run and look over the edge. My eyes were so shut tight, when I opened them I woke up and felt relieved to find my 5 year-old boy beside me.

My Second Dream around Thursday was interesting because I felt myself physically laughing, smiling, tossing and turning on the bed- quite a happy dreamer. I remember being lucid, even telling myself, I must remember the dream because it was hilarious as if it was the answer to everything, that it could easily unnerved and de-stress anyone. It was a dream I must tell everyone. Upon waking, laughing even, everything fell apart and I couldn't remember what was so funny about it. I couldn't remember the details of the dream at all, only the sensations associated with it- humor, happiness, the cosmic joke of it all. I felt robbed.

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